Monday, March 9, 2009

Jeremy Riddle Concert

Tonight was the Jeremy Riddle Concert and his CD premier for his second album. Steadfast opened for them. Steadfast is a local band and as far as I know the members still attend Life Church in West Valley. They were really, really, good!!! The Worship atmosphere was incredible, there was such an attitude of praise. Jeremy Riddle came on the stage and he was very sick with a cold. We would have never known it after he started playing and worshiping. He really gave it everything he had. You could completely see that he was doing it for the Lord and not for us. It was so refreshing to be in that kind of atmosphere..... God was in the house as always and His people were praising Him!

I got to thinking while we were there, how deafening the music and the praises of His people were. And I thought to myself, How much louder it must be in the throne room of Heaven?
I can't wait to get there and make my joyful noise!!!!

Most of us in this photo have been involved in the worship team at our church at one time or another in some way or another. We love it and we worship at church however, there is a responsibility that comes with that. We have to draw people into worship, and we have to be very careful not to be a distraction. So it is really nice to be able to come to a concert and let someone else draw people into worship, let ourselves be drawn into worship without worrying about anything else. Most of us on the praise team don't get that kind of experience very often. We usually wait till monday morning when we are in the car alone and we are worshiping and driving. (I dare say that is as dangerous as texting while driving, you see I have a tendency to worship while I drive and I tend to close my eyes while I worship.....) Most of our worship time comes when we are alone, not with a group of Jesus Followers. So tonight I found myself "Surrendered In Praise."

1 comment:

Fisher Family said...

How I miss Discoveries Worship Team! You guys are the best!