Tuesday, March 24, 2009

She went to the Beauty Salon....

She was overdue for a haircut!

So I made an appointment and took her down and she had her hairs cut and her hairs washed and she had her nails done.....

Now she looks like a whole new doggy.




Anonymous said...

I felt that way when I went to the barber as a kid.

Fisher Family said...

Now that's just mean! I bet she's embarrassed to be seen.

Teaching by Mom said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever seen!! Now you need a little jacket for chilly days.

Jesse, Christa and Marshall said...

I am laughing so hard right now. I wish I could do that to my border collie.

Anonymous said...

Poor Skye,..........HOW COULD YOU? she's looking at you, as to be saying how could you embarrass me like this? .I'm naked what were you thinking ma? (That poor dog is in SHOCK!!!!!!!) THAT'S O.K. SKYE PUP YOU CAN COME LIVE WITH GRANDMA Charlotte.........

Teaching by Mom said...

Thanks for mentioning the tree at Ikea. It led me to find this website http://dalidecals.com/Tree-Wall-Decals-Wall-Stickers/

That one gave me some pretty good ideas!