I finally got my camera out and decided to post some pictures. Never mind that I didn't get around to posting my "May Photos of the Month" in a timely manner. I guess there is no time like the present to make up for it.
First up, I was able to host a baby shower for a dear sweet girl. She was having a boy and decided a sports theme would be a good idea.
This is a vase with a napkin slid down inside and then we filled it with straws.
Below is a picture of the beverage area.
On the wall above I cut out onesie shapes from napkins and hung
them on some twine.
Gift wrap squares add a huge impact to your table decor.
Plus it comes in every theme imaginable.
Just grab a roll and start cutting out those squares, or use as a table runner.
I used a baseball glove and a ball as a dish for mints.
Cracker Jacks as favors. Simply add a scrap of paper some twine and a tag.
This was the buffet table, not quite full yet. But we had a baked potato bar, as mom to be is a vegetarian, I wanted it to be customized for her. Plus as a bonus it was also gluten free.
We also had pretzels, popcorn, mints, strawberries, pickles and twizzlers.
I used 2 high chairs on the buffet table to add interest.
And strung some twine and added more of the onesie shaped napkins we had cut out.
May is when we start gardening! Earlier if possible, or if we have the time and ambition to set up the hoop house. This year we did not and I will be lucky if I get any thing out of my garden. We planted tomatoes, and squash and zucchini and also these onions.
Usually I start from seed. However, Pinterest has taught me a lot. I was very skeptical about the whole idea of planting the root ends of the green onion and having them really grow properly. Anyway as I had chopped up a ton of green onions for the baby shower. I decided not to throw away those root ends of the green onions. We planted them and this photo is from 3 or 4 days later. I am happy to report that my onions are thriving!
Annual Memorial Day Camping trip.
We went down near Manti, Utah, by Palisade Lake. Here we are target shooting. We ended up camping in 12 mile canyon. Our good friends, the Lowe's joined us on this trip and my sister Abi and her boyfriend Colin too. We had a great time!

The saddest thing ever. As we were driving up the 6 mile canyon road to go hiking. The Gray dog on the right and her black lab puppy started chasing our truck. When we got to our hiking spot, they followed us around. They were clearly thirsty and very hungry. The mama had a collar but no tags and she was the sweetest thing ever. We fed and watered them with what we had on hand, and we wanted so badly to bring them home. In the end we were worried that maybe they were lost and not abandoned. So we loaded them in the truck and took them up to the campground area where we knew there were a lot of rangers patrolling. If they were reported missing they would be found there. Plus there was easy access to drinking water near by. It was bitter sweet. And we almost came home with another dog.
Kennedy, loved that puppy so much and wanted to bring it home so badly. Her mama and daddy said no way! And as you can imagine there were tears.
Elyssa made a bow from the sticks she found and some kite string in the trailer. It really worked! She was so determined and stuck with it for so long that we had her fitted for a compound bow and now she is a real archer. This is the perfect thing for her for a PE credit. We are homeschooling and I think she found her niche.
Kennedy and her daddy made one as well. She was incredible with the bow!
Ashton and Christianna
Christianna and Kennedy riding in the back of the truck.
A group shot of all the kids.
Dixie was in heaven going on adventure with us.
Christianna hiking, Yes, that is snow in the background.
Ashton driving for the first time. He couldn't believe dad let him drive the brand new truck.
Ashton's Builder award for 9th grade. He also finished up the school year with a 3.88 GPA
I am so proud of him for his accomplishments this year.
It was a difficult transition from homeschooling to the rigorous schedule and courses of American Preparatory Academy. But, he ended up being on the honor roll all 4 quarters . All of his classes are honors classes and included Algebra, Latin, a 9th grade Language arts and a 10th grade Lit. class.